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Watershed Management Related Sites : Site of the Ministry of Agriculture, Department of Agriculture and Cooperation, India.  : Site of the Ministry of Environment and Forests, India. : Site of the Sustainable Development Networking programme in India - a joint programme of United Nations Development Programme, International Development Research Centre and Ministry of Environment and Forests (India).  : Site of the Sustainable Development Networking programme in India - a joint programme of United Nations Development Programme, International Development Research Centre and Ministry of Environment and Forests (India).  :  Website of Winrock International India, a non-governmental organization, an affiliate of Winrock International .  They focus on energy and environment , natural resources management, agriculture & enterprise development etc.  :  Site of the International Institute for Sustainable Development, dealing with issues like communities and livelihoods, knowledge networks, sustainable development, natural resources, etc.  :  A website dedicated to advancing the policy and practice of capacity building in international development cooperation.  :  Site of the German Technical Cooperation (GTZ) for rural development in Asia. This is a user-friendly information system which has the purpose of exchanging data on the availability of professional expertise and services from individuals and/or qualified organizations and providing access to a wide range of reports and other documents.  :  Website of the International Agricultural Centre, the Netherlands, an independent non-profit foundation that acts as a platform for exchange and transfer of applied knowledge on sustainable management of renewable natural resources. The centre provides training, advisory and information management service, directed mainly towards developing countries and countries in transition.  : The website of the International Institute for Environment and Development -- a non-profit organisation with a mission to promote sustainable patterns of world development through collaborative research, policy studies, consensus building and public information  : MekongInfo is an interactive web-based system for sharing information and knowledge related to participatory natural resource management in Cambodia, Laos, Thailand and Vietnam. MekongInfo aims to provide a portal to participatory natural resource management in the region. MekongInfo's virtual library contains more then 2000 documents, contacts, electronic forums, announcements, etc. : OneWorld is an online community of over 750 organizations, covering the whole spectrum of development, environmental and human rights activities and extending from Manhattan to Delhi. One carries over 1.5 million pages of text, images, video and sound of delivers them to millions of people around the world. also has the web's premier search engine on global justice allowing users to find the content they want on the issues that matter most of them.  :  This site has been developed specifically with the needs of public servants, academics and individuals in developing countries in mind. The site is designed to provide links to some of the most useful sites on the World Wide Web, including sites which provide software for sectoral management economic models, data or references.  :  The website of the United Nations Development Programme. The focus areas of UNDP are -- poverty, gender, environment, etc.  :  Webpage of the United Nations Division for Sustainable Development.  :  The UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC) was established in 2000 as the world biodiversity information and assessment centre of the United Nations Environment Programme. UNEP-WCMC remains a pre-eminent source of unbiased and timely information on the conservation of biological diversity.  :  Site of the United Nations Environment Programme. This site is useful for information on environmental events, awards, environmental education and training opportunities, library publications, audio-visuals, environmental link, etc.  :  Site of the United Nations Institute for Training and research. UNITAR designs and conducts over 120 different training and capacity building programmes throughout the five continents.  :  The Eldis Gateway is a one-stop tool for easy access to information on development or the environment. Eldis also offers a choice of either search pages or structured guides to find information and overview of online resources.  :  The website of the International Development Research Centre. Its well-organized resources include numerous publications, a digital library, databases and an online magazine.  :  A website with guidance sheets, distance learning materials, sustainable livelihoods toolbox, documents and links on sustainable livelihoods. : Michigan State University, in collaboration with the World Bank's Bank-Netherlands Water Partnership Program (BNWPP), hasdeveloped a website called the "Watershed Window." This website will disseminate information and literature on watershed management in developing countries and help create a global community of watershed practitioners and scholars.Our main emphasis is on the social, institutional and policy aspects of watershed management and development, where we believe that sharing of best practices from around the world can help us learn from each other.


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